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  • Class of 2014 - 2015 #Harvard — at John F. Kennedy School of Government

  • A Gate to #Harvard Yard — in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

  • Go to college - #Harvard Gates — in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Termenung Dalam Lamunanku

Deru angin bertiup sepi
Sepilu hibanya hati ini
Sakit yang tiada terperi
Sejenak ku merenung kembali diri sendiri
Sudah jauh ku mengorak kaki
Bersama usia yang tidak akan berhenti
Segala yang diidami masih belum mampu dikecapi
Adakah aku mampu bertahan di sini?
Mencapai impian yang masih belum pasti

Ketika insan lain lena diulit mimpi
Aku terkesima di sini bersama fajar pagi
Hari berganti hari
Minggu ke minggu terus berlalu pergi
Bulan ke bulan datang bersilih ganti
Pahit Manis Pedih Jerih Ketawa Menangis dan Sedih di hati
Warna-warni kehidupan yang pasti
Mampukah aku bertahan di sini
Mengharungi onak dan juga duri
Di Kota Metropolitan yang penuh dengan hasad dengki
Andai silap langkah kaki ini
Tegur dan ajari aku
Agar aku mampu meggapai apa yang pernah ku idami


  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came
  • I know life is tough laughter, and the tears came and went until I was do not know when, sadly it comes and laughter when it came

Video Gallery

Live Your Life Just Do Whatever Makes You Happy Today from Mr. Lubis on traveller.

Live Your Life Just Do Whatever Makes You Happy Today from Mr. Lubis on traveller.

40 million United fans on Facebook from Mr. Lubis on Manchester United.

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